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Friday, August 21, 2009

News Clips: Nontuple, Jerry Stark, Ben Rothman

Can anyone tell me what a nontuple is?

This Jerry Stark magazine article must be posted for archiving purposes. This link is for the digital edition (see page 40):

Ben Rothman has a blog going. This will be a must-read:


Damage_96 said...

I believe a nontuple would be a break that would start at #4. Also, I think it is technically a nonuple.

CroquetPro said...

Nontuple or Nonuple refers to a turn in which the striker makes all 12 wickets with one ball while sending his or her partner ball through 9 wickets. So the partner ball started for hoop 4.

This was finished with the last four peels while making the last four wickets, called a straight quadruple; impressive in it's own right.

Damage_96 said...

Very helpful -- thank you.

Admittedly, I haven't yet played the Association game and I've only been playing the U.S. Rules six-wicket game for just over a year. So, the Association game is a complete mystery to me. Hopefully, we're going to give it a try later this fall or in the spring.

By the way, congrats on your run at the World Championships last May. It was a lot of fun to follow via the web updates.